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SKL-A-102 hardware-software independent complex for geophysical surveying of the production wells
The Complex serves for geophysical surveying of the open boreholes of the horizontal and directional wells of 120-245 mm diameter being drilled for oil and gas, both while tripping the complex in and while tripping it out. The complex runs to bottomhole on a drilling tool.
Advantages of the Complex:
geophysical surveying is performed during one trip
reduction of downtime
low sticking hazard
estimation of relative dielectric permeability, which allows to separate oil-saturated reservoirs from the reservoirs washed with fresh and mixed waters
Methods used:
VEMKZ (High frequency electromagnetic logging)
IK (Induction logging)
BK (Lateral logging): LLS, LLD
BKZ (Lateral logging sounding):
А 0,2 М 0,1 N; A 0,4 M 0,1 N; А 1,0 M 0,1 N; А 2,0 M 0,5 N;
A 4,0 М 0,5 N; N 0,5 M 2,0 А ; N 13 M 0,5 А
SP (Self-potential of the well)
Resistivity logging
2 NNKt (Compensated neutron-neutron logging on thermal neutrons): NTNL,FTNL
GGK-P (Gamma-gamma density logging)
GK (Gamma logging)
Directional survey: zenith angle 0°– 120°; azimuth 0°– 360°
Temperature logging

Technical characteristics of the Complex:

SKL-A-102 log